Cover art for Glass Model

Glass Model

Composer: Pawel Osmolski

Date: 2006-11-04

Notes: Tuning: Capo on 1st Fret

Glass Model - Studio

Poised on the spot, darkness at seventeen
Boil how you feel, and stir it with twisted words

Don't be afraid, I wont throw out your clothes
You're never too keen, (to be a glass model); end chorus only

I want you free, but now's not the time
I've come too near, knee deep in shame
Cover art for Edges of My Lips

Edges of My Lips

Patriarch of Us gives me goosebumps.. such a haunting piece of music"

said Julianna

Fantastic collection of songs"

said Wintermute

Beautiful tunes and charming vocals!"

said Slowpoke

WOOT! <3 teh muziks"

said Marager

Torn In Two is something else. I can't stop listening to it"

said Eliza