Cover art for Aniseed


Composer: Pawel Osmolski

Date: 2007-11-14

Notes: Tuning: Open

Aniseed - Acoustic

Open inside
Beat and clench
Serious sounds
Burn in ears
Deafening screams
Push us away

Even though, you are here
You're not here enough
You're not near enough

Differently me
The same old you
Has been on
Walks with a leash
chained to the streets
I'll pierce into stone
Out shines love
Out of the blue

Even though, you're made of gold
I'm petrified
I'm petrified of

Losing me
Losing me
Losing me (x4)
Cover art for Lullaby for a Ghost

Lullaby for a Ghost

Patriarch of Us gives me goosebumps.. such a haunting piece of music"

said Julianna

Fantastic collection of songs"

said Wintermute

Beautiful tunes and charming vocals!"

said Slowpoke

WOOT! <3 teh muziks"

said Marager

Torn In Two is something else. I can't stop listening to it"

said Eliza