Pawel's personal prattle

Songwriter, Vocalist, Guitarist, Pianist and Producer
Professional Nerd
Radiohead, Air, Elliott Smith, Nick Drake, Blonde Redhead and The Radio Dept.
Music Portfolio : SoundCloud : Twitter : deVilhoOD : YouTube : Facebook

A hello to you sir, madam or undisclosed, a wonderful hello. I've done the whole education thing you know, with the caps, badges and a pencil hooked on my ear, a Masters Degree in Audio Technology. I'm the kind of guy that will say "Bass-boost is only for parties" and "Can I get that in 24-bit please?" because of silly trained ears.

So, About Me? Hmmm. I have an obscure sense of humour, a British accent, I like good music, all types of food, the sound of rain drops, being occasionally sarcastic, sleeping late, abstract art, poetry (this list is full of clichés?), big trees, watching Doctor Who in the evenings, computer games and not growing up.

I've been playing Piano, Guitar, Bass and Drums since I was a wee nipper, but hadn't started singing properly until I was 20 years old. I've always been around computers so I love anything and everything to do with digital audio and MIDI sequencing.
I have extensive experience in Music Production spanning approximately 9 years and love working with a variety of musical styles.
A typical home studio recording session consists of a Rode NT5 microphone stereo pair used as overheads or for close miking acoustic instrumentation, Rode K2 for vocals and guitar cabs, an SM-57/58 without the windshield for the edge of my Carlsbro GLX100 speaker cone, all plugged through a MOTU 8Pre FireWire audio interface.

DAWs of choice are Steinberg Cubase 5.5 for primary desktop work and Cockos REAPER for laptop recordings. I use an Roland A-800PRO keyboard for Synths and Drums, but switch to the CME UF7 for Piano and Orchestral work. My preferred guitars used for playing live and recording are the Fender Vista Venus, Squier Classic Vibe Telecaster '50s and a Tanglewood TW-115AS acoustic.

Cover art for Leave Our Kiss for the Anarchist

Leave Our Kiss for the Anarchist

Patriarch of Us gives me goosebumps.. such a haunting piece of music"

said Julianna

Fantastic collection of songs"

said Wintermute

Beautiful tunes and charming vocals!"

said Slowpoke

WOOT! <3 teh muziks"

said Marager

Torn In Two is something else. I can't stop listening to it"

said Eliza